No small victories

Imagine standing
on your own two feet

Jack has severe cerebral palsy, his family was told that he would never be able to sit, crawl, stand, walk or talk. At two he started attending Rainbow Hub, within 12 months he could lie on his front and back with straight limbs, sit cross-legged without support for a short period and sit balanced on a chair.

Now 10, Jack can stand, transfer from his chair and say a few words, he has more independence and the future looks so much brighter.

Imagine climbing
the stairs independently

A sprightly, determined four year-old, Georgiana has a rare metabolic genetic disease called GA1. Following a strict diet, any illness has to be very closely monitored.

Physical disabilities are due to low muscle tone, affecting her balance and co-ordination meaning over 30 falls every day and an ability to walk short distances only.

Rainbow Hub has helped Georgiana to improve her balance and muscle strength, which has had a positive effect on performing activities, gaining independence and confidence.

Imagine not always
coming last

11 year-old Phoebe has the rare condition of Moebius Syndrome causing paralysis of the face. This means she has no facial expressions and is unable to eat other than via a specialist tube. Phoebe also has curvature of the spine and has had a number of operations to stabilise her condition.

From two-years old Phoebe has attended Rainbow Hub, when she had very low muscle tone and was only just able to sit, we’ve worked hard to teach her to stand, walk and bounce on a trampoline, as well as learning to run.. With Rainbow Hub, Phoebe is now a strong, independent and happy girl.

Imagine signing
your first word

Living with cystic fibrosis and other health issues, Abu’s cheeky, lovable character hides the very serious nature of his condition. Before attending Rainbow Hub, he was unable to walk, talk or even play independently. 

Rainbow Hub has helped the four year-old to achieve goals beyond his limits; he can now walk independently and is learning to sign more and more new words.

Abu’s family is immensely proud of how much he has overcome and what he can achieve in the future, thanks to the love and dedicated support of Rainbow Hub.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways to help Rainbow Hub. Take on a challenge, do your own event, volunteer at one of ours, sign up or make a single ‘quick click’ donation. Whatever you do, it will brighten the lives of more disabled children and young people.
Contact Information


Rainbow Hub
Salt Pit Lane
Mawdesley, Lancashire
L40 2QX

Tel: 01704 823276

Rainbow Hub is the trading name of the Rainbow Hub NW Ltd

Rainbow Hub is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, registered office address: Salt Pit Lane, Mawdesley, Nr Ormskirk, Lancashire, L40 2QX, registered company number: 6725399, and a charity registered in England and Wales, registered charity number: 1127498